In order that a quality management system can fulfil its potential it is essential that it is regularly monitored. This is an intensive one-day course which demonstrates an efficient and productive approach to conducting their relevant QMS internal audit. Auditing techniques will be used which are compatible with both relevant QMS and ISO 19011 and delegates will benefit from learning how to plan, perform and report on an audit and how to take appropriate corrective and follow up action.
Summary of Contents:
A series of workshops, presentations and role-plays on topics including:
The contribution internal quality audits can make to the effectiveness of your management system
Roles and responsibilities of an Internal Quality Systems Auditor
Planning your audits by developing effective checklists
Verify that current practice in your organisation conforms with defined requirements
How auditing for conformity can improve the stability and robustness of management systems
Gathering objective evidence through observation, interviewing and sampling of documents to report findings accurately
Corrective action - what is it and who is responsible for taking action
Following up; verifying the effectiveness of corrective action; and closing out